Safe & Sound in Guatemala City

Safe & Sound in Guatemala City

The team has arrived safe and sound in Guatemala City! Yeah!!!!!

Both flights were smooth and we arrived with all of our luggage. Gail and Nancy were warmly waiting for us at the airport and brought us to our hotel. At dinner we talked about some basic guidelines and really enjoyed a great meal at the hotel.

We can hear a few honking horns and some people laughing in the distance…an occasional dog bark, a plane overhead, but for as small as our glimpse has been of this amazing city, there is so much anticipation for what tomorrow holds…

The team is turning in pretty quick tonight to try to recover as quick as possible from this travel day. First thing in the morning we go and get our pickups and begin a 3-4 hour drive to Chichi and the markets. It won’t get us to our village yet, but it will bring us much closer.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for safety as we drive.
  • Pray for Summer Scandrett as she arrived with a cold and we want that healed by the morning.
  • Pray for us to be seneitive to learn from these amazing people.
  • Pray we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and He leads us on what to do and how how to do it, what to say and how to say it.

We love all of you Chapel Hill crew and thank you for your prayers, support and for allowing us to represent all of you in a tangible way here.

‘night – Kevin