Month: August 2017

How to Have Spiritual Conversations Naturally

Ever since we showed Curtis’ story of meeting me in Starbucks and beginning a journey that resulted in him coming to church, joining a LifeGroup and placing his faith in Jesus, I’ve had people ask me: “Ellis, could you teach on how you had those conversations with Curtis?” And starting on September 13, I’m going to be doing […]

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Support the EPC’s Hurricane Harvey Relief work

In response to devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey in Texas, our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), has launched an emergency relief fund to help with recovery efforts. You can read more about the effort HERE. ‚Ä®‚Ä® Here’s more information about the important work the EPC is doing to help those affected by Harvey, including a link […]

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Remember Your Baptism… and Be Thankful

I remember my baptism. It happened in an air-conditioned gym, in front of about 200 college students. I stood in a kiddie pool, and after sharing my own story of faith, Reverend David Burke poured water from a pitcher over me three times. “In the name of the Father…” whoosh went the frigid water over […]

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