Welcome Our New Student Ministries Director!
I’m thrilled to announce a significant addition to our team that marks a new chapter in our commitment to youth formation and discipleship. We have just hired our new Student Ministries Director, Caleb Bagdanov, who brings a wealth of passion, experience, and dedication to our mission of nurturing the next generation of leaders to be fervent followers of Jesus Christ.

Caleb brings a ton of experience and a real love for working with young people. Originally from Nuevo in sunny southern California, he grew up cheering on the Dodgers and enjoying delicious carne asada. But above all, Caleb’s heart belongs to his amazing wife, Marie, and their two adorable boys, Simon (5) and Moses (2). Their love story began back in their college days at Westmont. After graduation, Caleb spent over a decade working with youth at his local church, while Marie found her passion teaching English at a nearby high school. Along the way, Caleb also dove into theological studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, discovering a real knack for helping young folks on their faith journeys. Last July, the Bagdanov crew packed up and headed to Gig Harbor to be closer to Marie’s family and soak up the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Sure, Caleb’s still getting used to the rainy days and stocking up on vitamin D, but he’s more than excited to jump into his new ministry and get to know the students of this Sweetheart Church.
Our church’s vision, as outlined in our five-year plan, emphasizes the vital role that student ministry plays in shaping the future of our congregation and community. We understand that investing in the spiritual growth and development of our young members is not just important; it’s imperative. We aim to cultivate an environment where our youth can encounter the love of Christ, grow in their faith, and become empowered to live out their God-given purpose.
With programs tailored specifically for middle school and high school students, such as our vibrant Middle School Ministry and dynamic High School Ministry, we are committed to providing avenues for young people to engage with their faith in meaningful ways. These ministries serve as spaces where teenagers can build authentic relationships, explore their beliefs, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of Scripture under the guidance of dedicated leaders and mentors.
The appointment of our new Student Ministries Director signifies our unwavering dedication to this mission. Caleb brings a heart for discipleship and a vision for empowering young people to live boldly for Christ. With his vision and the collaboration with Senior Director of Family Ministries Paul Hargreaves and other leaders, I’m excited to see Student Ministries continue to flourish and impact the lives of countless youth in our community. I’m grateful that Interim Director of High School Ministries Todd Davis has agreed to stay on for another school year to ensure smooth sailing for HSM as Caleb takes on primary oversight of Middle School Ministries. We also want to thank our Interim MSM Director, JJ Bland, for her superb Middle School leadership for the past year!
At Chapel Hill Church, we believe that investing in the next generation is not just a responsibility—it’s a privilege. We are committed to equipping our young people with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to navigate the complexities of life with unwavering faith and conviction. And you can be a part of that support! Middle School and High School Ministries needs servant leaders like you to help in various ways at the weekly MSM and HSM gatherings, at summer camps, and to host Middle or High School events at your home this summer. If you would like to volunteer, please contact John Reich or fill out this interest form.
I’m confident that, under the guidance of Caleb, our Student Ministries will continue to be a beacon of hope, transformation, and empowerment for years to come. So please join us as we celebrate this exciting new chapter in our journey of faith and commitment to raising up a generation of leaders who are truly on fire for Jesus Christ!
Pastor Mark
PS – One of my dear pastor friends, Rufus Smith, recently told me he wanted to come out and spend some time with me. I told him that if he was coming, he had to bless our congregation with the message. Rufus is the pastor of the largest church in our denomination, Hope EPC in Memphis. He is a powerful preacher and widely respected leader. I can’t wait to hear what God lays upon his heart! You won’t want to miss him.