Our Vision

Our Vision

We believe God has called the people of Chapel Hill Church to achieve great things for the sake of Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

We will care for our local community with mercy and compassion, without expectation of anything in return, because we are obedient to what Jesus told us to do.

We see our local community so impacted by Chapel Hill that if we ceased to exist, our neighbors would weep.

We will equip our people to share the gospel so that the others would discover new life in Jesus.

We see thousands coming to faith in Jesus Christ because of the people of Chapel Hill.

We will prepare and mobilize the next generation to live a victorious life on mission for Jesus Christ.

We see every graduate from Chapel Hill’s student ministry equipped with a robust and prevailing faith.

Legacy Sunday
On Sunday, November 20, 2022, Pastors Mark Toone and Ellis White preached a sermon for “Legacy Sunday”, where we outlined our vision to care, share, and prepare for the next five years. Watch it below. You can also read the manuscript here.

How do we get there?
Praying for the vision to be fulfilled, serving actively in the work of the vision, and giving to the mission and ministries of Chapel Hill are the best ways to achieve our goals.