What’s in a name?
Hello, Chapel Hill Family! I’m so excited to share some wonderful news with you! It also gives me the chance to thank you for your continued prayers as we have followed God’s lead to plant a community of faith in Port Orchard. Today is a great day to reflect on our shared journey and to celebrate the ways we will continue to stay connected as we continue to move forward.
But first…let’s play a word association game: what do you think of with the word, “house”?
Seriously, what comes to mind? Front door, porch, living room, family…
How about the word, “church”?
I suspect if you’ve had a good experience of church, there’d be some significant overlap: people, family, inviting, safe, hospitable, food, light.
If you’ve had bumps along the road, there might be a host of other words that might come to mind with the word, “church.”
As we’ve been planting a church in Port Orchard over the past couple of years, really seeking to love our neighbors, we’ve discovered more often than not that neighbors’ word association with “church” is less than positive.
No surprise…we want to change that association! We who follow Jesus believe his church to be his bride. As she is forgiven in Christ, she becomes blameless (Ephesians 5:25-27), a united family (Ephesians 2:18-20), a place Jesus dwells (Ephesians 2:21-22)…even, a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:4-5).
When Jesus talks in his most famous sermon about the community of his followers, he says that “You are the light of the world,” and likens the people to a lamp set on a stand that fills the whole house with light.
We want to be a light in that way; we want to be a church who fills the whole neighborhood with the shalom of the presence of Jesus. So, what can we call ourselves that breaks down barriers?
Kitsap House! We want to say:
We’re Here. Kitsap
And You’re Invited. House

Worshipping at 703 Kitsap St. has certainly shaped us into a people who love gathering in hospitable home-like spaces. We love big kitchen tables full of food, kids running around knowing where the best hiding spots are, late nights with residents on couches, and always an extra chair to pull up. We’ve realized that we want to carry that with us.
So, for our church’s name, we’re taking up Jesus’ synonym for his church, a house. And we’re claiming it for the neighborhood where we live, hence, Kitsap House. We won’t always be at the same address, but we hope we’re always filling the space where the church gathers with the light of the good news of King Jesus.
Where can you find Kitsap House now?
- In person, join us at the Port Orchard Yacht Club on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am at 201 Bay Street.
- During the week, we’re still at 703 Kitsap St.
- And online, check out our new website! Bookmark www.kitsaphouse.org.
So once again, thank you for the encouragement and prayers you’ve offered, and please continue to be in prayer to see what amazing things God has in store!
Pastor Megan
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash