August Shenanigans

August Shenanigans

Happy Summer, Everyone!

Don’t you just savor this month where our seasonal rhythm has us outside and out-of-town? I want to invite you to continue to worship God daily even as you might be traveling. And I want to invite you to worship God outside in his creation! Even though the sun’s shining, let’s remember to live into the unity of God’s community that we are experiencing through the Holy Spirit. So come and join us! Here are your August invitations to worship and serve God as we live into this delightful PNW rhythm.

Family Worship Month
Beginning this Sunday, we welcome our kindergartners through fifth graders to join us in worship. Go ahead, raise your hands! Let them see how you praise God with your whole being. Point out where you see the Holy Spirit as you engage with the kids’ “I Spy God on the Move” decor in worship. Lead them forward to receive a blessing at communion (or the bread and juice if they have been baptized and are professing faith in Jesus). We love these six weeks where we pause our Sunday School offerings to embrace the community of our kids in the worship services with us.

First Step…
Sunday, August 9 we are offering our membership class from 12:30-3:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Have you been calling Chapel Hill home? Are you interested in exploring what it would look like to be a member of this local family? Join us for the First Step class. Lunch and childcare are provided. Contact Carole Hughes to register— email or call 253.853.0274.

…which leads to baptisms in the Harbor!
Sunday, August 30 at 3:00pm we are joyfully returning to the Eddon Boat Park for our Baptisms in the Harbor. We will be in the center of Gig Harbor as we call people to repent, believe and be baptized. Be a part of the Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28 by bringing your family to be baptized, inviting a friend you are discipling, and joining in the celebration of others who are responding to God’s command to be baptized!

Wondering how this connects to First Step? We believe we are baptized into the local family of faith, so baptism and membership are directly connected. If you are not a member of Chapel Hill and you and your children want to be baptized, please come to the First Step class on August 9.

Praise God that we live in a place where we are welcome to worship God publicly in baptism and in song! Saturday, August 15 at 5:00pm we will be gathering at Sehmel Park with other local church communities for a worship concert of song, giving praise to God! This is our second annual Overflow. Come and worship Him under the open sky! Invite your friends and neighbors to night of family fun and celebration.

Looking forward to seeing you and worshiping with you out and about this August!

Pastor Megan