Game Changer Week 1 Devotional Day 4

Game Changer Week 1 Devotional Day 4

Day 4 – Thursday

Daily Devotional


Mark 6:2-6; Mark 1:35; Isaiah 15:3


How did Jesus respond to the ridicule he experienced in this story?


This was not the first or last time, Jesus would be rejected, made fun of, or despised. As we’ve seen before, his family thought he was crazy. No one believed anything good could come from Nazareth. And from the story of the cross, we know that taunting became hatred, which became abuse and physical torture eventually leading to the death of Jesus. Our passage this week falls at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, so the taunting he experiences is rather mild.

From the text it seems that Jesus’ response is also mild. He responds with an innocuous phrase, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown, and among his relatives and in his own household.” This is not a quote from the Old Testament, nor from some philosopher of old, it was simply a fact to say “I know you don’t recognize my authority – little Jesus all grown up.” Nonetheless, they had heard him teach with authority, they knew it and so did he. But they did not believe him.

Then, ironically, Mark says that Jesus “marveled” at their unbelief. The word “marveled” here is synonymous with “astonished!” This version of the word gives us a picture of a gaping jaw, a shake of the head. We can almost hear Jesus respond this way: “Unbelievable!”

How does Jesus’ response compare with your own when facing ridicule by family members? Describe a time when a family relationship was strained because of your faith. Read Matthew 19:29 and Mark 3:31-35. How do these verses help you keep perspective in the face of ridicule? How do they reflect the response of Jesus in Mark 6?

Spend time journaling or praying through what God has been stirring in you this week.