Jesus on His Own Terms | John 12:12-29 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

Jesus on His Own Terms | John 12:12-29 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

John places the Lazarus miracle at the heart of his gospel πŸ“–. The Pharisees fear losing power and plot to kill both Jesus and Lazarus πŸ€”. Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, hailed as a king πŸŒΏπŸ‘‘. He disrupts those who cling to power and disappoints those who crave it πŸ™Œ. Inviting Jesus into our lives brings disruption, but it’s a good disruption πŸ™Œ. The way of Jesus differs from our expectations πŸ€”. Jewish leaders sought to destroy Jesus, but he disrupts those who clutch power πŸ’₯. He invites us to willingly come to him, offering grace and mercy ❀️. If we reject this Jesus, we face a terrifying image of him in Revelation 19 🦁. Jesus always comes on his own terms, whether in humility or in power βš”οΈ.