Video Series: Everyone Everywhere

How to Change the World | Acts 11:19-30 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

⛪➡️💥 Persecution scattered the early church, spreading the gospel across the Mediterranean. Antioch became a major hub for missions. 📜 Acts 11:19-21: Jesus’ followers preached to both Jews and Gentiles, bringing many to faith. 🙏 🔑🔧 Pearl Harbor analogy: Antioch = strategic mission hub, key to spreading the gospel, similar to how Pearl Harbor was […]

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Jesus Can Save Anyone | Acts 10:34-11:18 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

🔄 Peter’s big realization: 🐷➡️ All food & people are now clean through Jesus! 🙌 🌍 No partiality—Jesus can save anyone 🌎 (Acts 10:34-35). 🕊️ The Holy Spirit moves among Gentiles, proving this truth! 💬🔥 🎉 Even in closed countries, Jesus still saves! ✝️ ❗ Challenge: Don’t give up on people—keep praying, sharing, & trusting […]

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Breaking Barriers | Acts 10:1-20 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

👨‍✈️✝️ Cornelius was a Roman, Gentile, and military leader—unlikely for God’s plan to unite Jews and Gentiles, but God chose him as the first Gentile convert. 🙏 🏡 Cornelius led his household in faith, generously gave to the poor, and prayed continually. He broke the barrier of spiritual laziness (“license”) by living a disciplined, devoted […]

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How to Put Your Faith in Action | Acts 9:19-31 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

In Acts 9, we see Saul’s life transformed by faith in Jesus. After his dramatic conversion, he didn’t just believe—he acted. 🔼 Upward – Seeking God Saul fasted and prayed, drawing closer to God immediately after encountering Jesus (Acts 9:9-11). Like Saul, we are called to deepen our relationship with God through prayer and fasting. […]

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What Makes Grace So Amazing? | Acts 9:1-19 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

✨This week we revisit Saul, who became Paul, the Apostle. 👀🔄 Before his transformation, Saul fiercely persecuted Christians. But on the road to Damascus, 🌟 a bright light and the voice of Jesus stopped him in his tracks, ✋🛑 leading to his eventual conversion. This mirrors the story of John Newton, author of “Amazing Grace,” […]

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How to Share the Good N.E.W.S. | Acts 8:26-40 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

🗣️ Sharing stories is something many enjoy, but sharing the gospel can be more challenging. Last week, we learned everyone is called to share the gospel—not just church leaders. This week, we’ll explore how. 👂 📖 In Acts 8:26-31, Philip is led by the Spirit to meet an Ethiopian official. He notices him reading Scripture, […]

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Everyone Shares Everywhere | Acts 8:1-25 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

🛐✨📖 In Acts 1-7, the early church thrived in Jerusalem, sharing the gospel and growing rapidly. They lived in community, sharing everything. It was great, but comfortable. However, God’s plan was bigger: to spread the gospel beyond Jerusalem—Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth 🌍. 🙏👥 Sometimes comfort can hold us back. In Acts […]

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