LifeGroup Questions

LifeGroup Questions

The most recent discussion questions based on the weekly scripture and sermon are posted here when they become available. Got questions? Connect with Pastor Rachel White.

Week of April 28, 2024

Read Acts 2:37-39

  • Have you ever been wrong about something? It could be something trivial or big! What was it?
  • In this passage, the Jews realized they were wrong about who Jesus was. They asked “what shall we do”. What two things did Peter say to do in response to their question?
  • Can you recall the first time you repented and received Jesus into your life? What was the precipitous moment that led you to repentance? How has repentance been part of your journey with Jesus since that point?
  • Repentance = changing your life according to Eugene Peterson. What’s been the biggest way that your life has changed as a result of following Jesus?
  • Pastor Ellis mentioned how the practice of journalling has helped with him the discipline of repentance. Have you ever tried journalling your prayers?
  • Is there anything you need to repent of today? What is one way you need ongoing help of the Holy Spirit to live for Christ right now?
  • Pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit again.

Week of April 21, 2024

Read Acts 2: 1-15, 22-24, 32-39

  • Read Acts 1:5, Joel 2:28-32, and Matthew 3:11. What is the promise of the Spirit and how is it fulfilled at the feast of Pentecost?
  • Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit? In what ways have you known the presence of the Holy Spirit?
  • The willingness to submit to baptism is an outward expression of inward faith in Christ. Is there anyone in your life for whom you are praying will repent and be baptized?
  • Pray for them now, start with “Come, Holy Spirit”.