Always and Forever Love

My household in my teen years was predominantly female. You’d frequently find me and my sister hanging out with mutual girlfriends, wearing one other’s clothes, doing each other’s hair, and watching chick flicks with our mom (always with the all-important Galaxy chocolate bar!). My poor little brother had to put up with a lot!
Now that my own little girl is headed to Middle School, I’m starting to appreciate that this sort of environment doesn’t happen by accident. My mom had to put up with a whole lot of eye rolls and teenage drama. She had to work through a whole lot of us responding with “I don’t want to talk about it!” and still persevere with consistent presence to create emotional connection with us. She found ways to break through the awkward exterior to demonstrate her love and help us love one another well. And I’m so grateful.

As I struggle in my own parenting to navigate the “stop asking me so many questions mom!” I’m grateful for the example of a mom who never gave up. Through her, I have an earthly example of my heavenly Father who never gives up on me. I wonder, this Mother’s Day, who has that person been for you? Who is or was that consistent, persevering parental person in your life? And how are you seeking to follow their example in your relationships?
I love how the Jesus Storybook Bible (my favorite kids Bible!) describes the love of God: “The never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love”. Living out this kind of love is counter cultural. It’s attractive. It draws people to consider the claims of Christianity. It leaves an imprint long after the person who demonstrated it is gone. That’s the kind of legacy I want to leave my kids, my neighbors, my extended family… I’m praying for the Holy Spirit to help me to be that kind of person this Mother’s Day. What about you?
Pastor Rachel