Congregational Meeting Nominees
These are the nominees for Elders and Deacons to be approved at the Chapel Hill congregational meeting February 11, 2024.

David Derr
My wife Martha, and our family have been members of Chapel Hill since 1998. We have been blessed to raise our six children (including two who were adopted in 2007 from Zambia) in this “Sweetheart Church” (as Pastor Mark says) and community of Gig Harbor. We are active in many aspects of church life, including music ministry, outreach, adult ministries, and LifeGroups.
I have worked for World Vision for the last 21 years, including living abroad in South Africa from 2011 to 2013. I currently am serving as the Senior Director of Operations for World Vision’s major donor fund-raising team, helping to build and strengthen the organization’s work to engage and partner with high-capacity donors in the United States.

Leonard Green
Greetings! Most of you know me as husband of Joni Jean. We have been married for almost 16 years. Between us we have five children and eight grandchildren. Most of our family resides in greater Pierce County. It is not unusual for kids or grandkids to just show up…by definition, a perfect day.
My entire work career was in the distribution business. For the last 12 years I have been, as one son-in-law refers to me, as the “worst retired guy” he knows. I disagree. I have the pleasure of doing what I enjoy doing the most. Beginning with spending time prayerfully with God. Spending quality time with grandkids. Being in the great outdoors as much as possible. Finally working with a bunch of great people.
I love what God is doing at Chapel Hill. My journey here has included serving on Session previously, being a LifeGroup leader and follower, serving God in a variety of different ways…even a crew leader at Vacation Bible School. My prayer is to continue serving the Lord at Chapel Hill with humility and grace. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

Christopher Hallam
Seven-and-a-half years ago, our family moved from the mission field in Central Asia to Gig Harbor, when we started attending Chapel Hill. Since that time, we have seen our youngest two children baptized and our oldest confirmed. We have experienced community that has walked and prayed with us through challenging times and rejoiced with us in the gifts that God has given and the miracles he has done. I have been able to join with our community here at Chapel Hill by serving with some of our local outreach partners, leading a LifeGroup, and helping to lead last year’s confirmation class. Some of my other passions include seeing God’s church multiplied and joining him in cross-cultural ministry. I am very humbled (and excited!) to be considered for the role of Elder here.

Billie Dir
I’ve been married to my husband, Dale, for 33 years and we have four wonderful children and 11 grandchildren! Born in California, I managed my own consulting business in the community of Visalia. We moved to the beautiful Pacific Northwest 25 years ago and settled on Bainbridge Island. Two years ago, Fox Island became our home. We are continually blessed and amazed by attending Chapel Hill! During our very first visit, we knew God wanted us here. I am passionate about gardening, walking, and teaching card-making classes in my studio, which I use for my outreach ministry.
I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus! I am looking forward to serving God and the people of Chapel Hill as a Deacon. My heart desires to continue learning more about what it means to be a follower and servant of Jesus and share his love with others.

Mary Hawksley
God has blessed me with two children who have their own families, and nine grandchildren. I am thankful that they are all growing up in the church. I was raised in a Christian home, so I don’t remember a time when God wasn’t a part of my life—Starting out my spiritual journey in the Catholic church and taking my first communion at age five. In my early teens, my family moved to a Protestant church and I developed a more personal relationship with Jesus. About 21 years ago, I came to Chapel Hill and immediately felt that I had found my church home. Since becoming a member shortly after attending, I have participated in and served in many ministries here, including the singles ministry, women’s ministry, and more recently I began working with the benevolence ministry.
I am honored to serve at Chapel Hill.

Debbie Hillman
I’ve been married to my husband Gus for 43 years and we have been blessed by two children and two grandchildren. We moved to Gig Harbor 33 years ago and Chapel Hill has been our church home for 31 years. I grew up believing in God, but we didn’t attend church and I didn’t have a relationship with him until after our children were born. Growing in my faith has been a journey, and I can’t imagine my life without the Lord in it. Chapel Hill has been a blessing to our family in so many ways. I have been part of women’s ministry, Alpha, lead greeter for several years, and a mentor mom at MOPS for the last 16 years.
When I was nominated to become a Deacon, I truly felt God was calling me to take this on. I’m honored and excited to serve the Lord and Chapel Hill in this new role.
Proposed Changes to the Church Bylaws
Article V.
Church Officers
The officers of the Church shall consist of the Pastor (or co-Pastors), the Associate Pastor(s), Assistant Pastor(s), the Ruling Elders and the Deacons in active service.
Section 3.
The Clerk, who shall be an Elder, shall be elected by the Session for such term as it may so determine. The Clerk shall be nominated by the Moderator and approved by the Session. The duties of the Clerk shall be to keep a record of the proceedings of the Session, present the minutes annually for examination by the presbytery, receive and sign letters of dismissal of church members from or to other churches, conduct the correspondence of the Session, act as secretary at all meetings of the congregation, prepare and present the annual report of the Session at the first annual meeting of the congregation and perform such other duties as are provided in The Book of Order. The Clerk is not a voting member of the Session. In the event that the Clerk is unable to attend a meeting of the Session, the Moderator shall appoint a Clerk pro tem.