Happy New Year…and don’t forget…

Happy New Year…and don’t forget…

Happy New Year, my Sweetheart Church! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Things were certainly hopping around here! Our five Christmas Eve services welcomed 3,742 people (which includes almost 230 children) who enjoyed the glorious music, candles, and fellowship. When you include those who tuned in to our livestreamed services on YouTube, we worshipped with 4,489 people. Not only that, but 35 made commitments to follow Jesus. An awesome (and I mean to use that overused word) Christmas gift!

And don’t forget, tomorrow we celebrate New Years Eve with a SINGLE WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 a.m. This will be our annual renewal of baptisms, a beloved Chapel Hill tradition. What better way to start your new year than by a reaffirmation of your faith and celebration of your baptism into God’s eternal family. DON’T FORGET…ONE SERVICE…10:00 tomorrow!

Finally, this fifth Sunday in December offers a rare opportunity for you to finish up your year-end giving to your church. As of this writing, we are now $205,942 away from finishing 2023 in the black. As you think back over all that God has done through Chapel Hill… through your generous financial support…I hope you are appropriately proud of the part you have played in our mission to exalt Jesus, elevate others, and launch disciple-makers. It has been a great, great year! You can give online here.

And 2024 will be a great year, too! I’m in countdown mode but I’m so blessed to hear, again and again, the excitement shared about this season of transition. God has great things for Chapel Hill…and I can’t wait to see who will be the next Senior Pastor who gets to discover what I’ve known for decades: that you really are a SWEETHEART CHURCH.

Happy, Happy New Year, dear Chapel Hill family.

Pastor Mark