Send me! I’ll go!
When Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation,” he was sending a youthful bunch of followers on a lifelong mission (Mark 16:15). He not only commissioned them but positioned them to impact the kingdom of heaven. A lifelong mission of unashamedly sharing the gospel is on the top of our to-do list! The question is…when will you ACTIVATE and get going?
At the beginning of this school year, the High School Ministry of Chapel Hill energetically said, “Send me! I’ll go!” A group of 21 students began meeting and training on Jesus’ teachings about our lifelong mission. They laid down their comfortabilities and devoted a great deal of time to growing in their faith and servanthood…this group of students ACTIVATED for Christ! Then they devoted their February break from school to serve and to learn alongside our global partner, Agua Viva Ministries, in Mexico. This capstone global outreach (GO!) team experience opened their eyes to how God is already at work in all the world.

As a youth leader, my heart was so encouraged to see the lives of these students grow in such a Christ-centered way. In Mexico, I saw many of our students step out in boldness and overcome challenges they were facing during this experience. One student shared with their group how impacted they were in their personal relationship with God and how they could see Jesus in the believers in Mexico. Praise God for raising up this generation of young people with hearts so pure and lives of good soil for him to water and grow! This is only the beginning! Amen!
If you haven’t been a part of a global outreach visit, know that God has called you and positioned you right where you are to share the gospel with your neighbors (who are part of “all the world”)! And I invite you to join our Mexico Celebration this upcoming Sunday, in the Gathering Place following the 10:30 am modern service, to be encouraged with stories and videos from the most recent trip to Ensenada. I believe your takeaway will be a rich treasure of witnessing God working in his children, locally and globally. You will see the fearless faith of students on mission for Christ, and you will hear their hearts cry for MORE. You see, that’s the thing about Jesus: he keeps on getting better. Once you’ve experienced his love, you only want more. You only want to see our commission fulfilled, that every person you encounter will be touched by the living God of the universe. God promised to give you his Spirit and his favor when you get going.
The excitement of a global visit is real. But what if it didn’t end? What if the Asbury revival never ended? What if our young students ignited for Christ for LIFE and we never doubted in God’s power to continue their faith beyond into adulthood? What if this whole thing started from a call from a loving savior who paid the way so that we could answer him? Join me in saying “Yes! Send me! I’ll go!”

A student on the Mexico global outreach team said to me towards the end of our trip, “the hardest thing for me to overcome is that I won’t get to be here anymore. I just want to stay on mission.” The greatest challenge of living in this broken world is abiding in Christ. Abide is a great word! It essentially means “remain.” Christ instructed his followers to “Abide in me, and I in you” (John 15:4-5). This was the theme verse of our global outreach visit. Over and over we sang, “Draw me close and teach me to abide.” The entire training arch for this experience was designed to continue pursuing our lifelong mission. And year-round Student Ministry is inviting this generation to serve locally alongside our partners. Those on our global outreach team are leading the way…the trip isn’t over! In fact, it never ends! Dearly beloved, Jesus sent us all on MISSION, so let’s get going!
To end on a powerful note, God’s mission among students at Chapel Hill is alive and active! Led by vested leaders and parents who want nothing more than to see students’ lives changed with the message of heaven. I hope to see you all at the worship services at 9:00 or 10:30 am this Sunday as our church celebrates Student Ministry and the Mexico GO team. Oh, and by the way…we’ll also be joined by a very special guest! See you tomorrow!
Kingsley Powell
Director of Student Ministries