LifeGroup Questions

LifeGroup Questions

The most recent discussion questions based on the weekly scripture and sermon are posted here when they become available. Got questions? Connect with Pastor Rachel White.

Note: there are no LifeGroup discussion questions during July because most LifeGroups are not in session. Questions will resume in August.

Week of June 30, 2024

Read Acts 6:8-15

  • Stephen was a man “full of faith and the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5) How have you seen God work through, speak through, or shine through a specific person who you see as filled with the Holy Spirit?
  • The former archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, is quoted as saying, “When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don’t, they don’t.” How have you seen this to be true in your own experience?
  • William Wilberforce was intentional about considering the topics of conversation that might launch them into a deeper level of connection. Who is someone you would like to get to know more deeply and share spiritual conversation with? What is one “launcher” you could use to get to that level?
  • Have you ever found it challenging to be “different”? Do your Christian values and lifestyle make you distinctive? Why or why not?
  • Who is someone you could pray for this week? Pray that God would use you to do his work.

Please note – there are no sermon discussion questions for the month of July since most of our LifeGroups are not currently in session. Questions will resume in August.

Week of June 23, 2024

Read Acts 6:1-7

  • Who do you know who is “full of the Spirit and wisdom”, “full of faith and the Holy Spirit”? Are any of those people using their gifts for practical service of the Lord like this passage?
  • How does this passage speak to the importance of BOTH preaching and practical actions that demonstrate the power of the gospel? What value has each had in your personal walk with the Lord?
  • The people of God discern together a practical solution to the challenge at hand, and as a result of their wisdom and working together, the word of God continues to spread. When have you seen the power of wisdom and working together?
  • What practical challenges are you facing? Seek God’s wisdom together for a solution, and make sure to lean into those people in your life who are “full of faith and the Holy Spirit”!
  • Pray for the number of disciples in this area to increase, and especially for leaders in the community to come to faith.