Ask your questions

Ask your questions

I wonder if you had a moment this summer where it became obvious that the person in front of you was starved for community and needed a place to wrestle through their questions from the past couple of years? Perhaps that person is you?

I’m so excited that Alpha launches again on September 21. Alpha is a safe place to ask life’s big questions and it’s a great place to find community to do that alongside. We eat delicious dessert together, watch a short video, and have great conversations. I’ve never yet met a person who has regretted coming and trying it out! Alpha is a place where you are welcome and you belong, no matter your church background or experience. There’s no judgment and no question is off limits. We especially encourage you to bring a friend to explore together – it’s always great to share the journey!

Alpha is a whole church effort and truly takes the whole church community to be successful. Whether that’s by praying, inviting, or serving, there are lots of ways to plug in, and we’d love to have you on the team! This weekend you will receive an invitation card to share with a friend, neighbor, or co-worker. I want to encourage you to be praying that God would give you eyes to see who might value an invitation to come with you to Alpha this fall.

Got questions? Please do reach out.

Pastor Rachel




P.S. We are thrilled to be launching Youth Alpha this fall on October 2 for high schoolers! Don’t forget to pray for our teens as well! Contact Kingsley Powell for more information.