Take us with you

Take us with you

Earlier this year, I walked off the stage at our modern service and into the band room. As I did, I took out my headphones (you wouldn’t believe what the band hears in our headphones when we are leading worship—check out this video if you want to know), and I began to hear music playing in the band room. I thought, that’s strange, since we try to keep things quiet in there.

As I took off my guitar and walked over to get my water bottle, the music seemed to be following me. All of a sudden, I realized that the music was coming from my phone in my back pocket! I quickly hit pause, then turned to Derek, our electric guitarist, and said, “How long has that been playing?” He said, “A full five minutes!”

I suddenly realized that right before we had left the stage, I had been leading people in a moment of quiet prayer, while Drake’s song “God’s Plan” had been playing to the whole congregation from my phone, and I was blissfully ignorant because I had headphones in!

Sometimes our phones fail us, but more often than not, they prove to be incredibly useful devices. And one of the most useful things about our phones are apps that enable us to stay connected with people and organizations we love.

Today, we are launching a new Chapel Hill app so we can stay better connected with you and keep you updated and involved about what is going on in the life of our church. We are excited about this app because it is a beautiful new interface, it will help us communicate with one another more interactively, and it provides an easy one-stop way for you to engage with services, sermons, our podcast, events, and opportunities to serve our community, all from one place…you needn’t check several places for information.

How to get the app: If you already have our old app installed, you’ll need to delete the existing app and download the new one. You can get the new app here or go directly to Apple or Google. Watch a short video from Chapel Hill’s Jenna Arnold on how to use the the app; then create your profile, sign in, take a look around, and let us know what you think by contacting us directly from within the app.

And for the first 50 people who do this, we will reward you with a free drink at our HeBrews coffee shop! Just fill out your information when you first open the app.

This Sunday, we continue in our series in Joshua, talking about how we can remain committed to our faith in the long haul. I’ll see you at 8:30, 10:00, or 11:30 am.

Pastor Ellis White
Chapel Hill Gig Harbor

Photo by Mikaela Shannon on Unsplash