On the edge of burnout

On the edge of burnout

Do you ever notice yourself saying the same phrase when you are on the edge of burn out? Mine is “why do I have to do everything myself!” Apparently I say it so often it’s becoming a joke around here, and this week I was totally convicted when I heard my five-year-old son repeat the same phrase! Kids have a habit of doing that, don’t they! Doesn’t sound so cute when you ask them to pick up their toys and they throw their arms out, sigh dramatically, and whine “whhhhy do I have to do eeeeeverything myself!”

I wonder how many of us have been struggling with doing it all alone recently. Social isolation, increased pressure and our already independent spirit have not set us up for success these last few months. I don’t know about you, but it’s starting to show. So what do we do about it?

This Sunday, we will look at the life of Moses to learn three reasons why we can’t do it alone. I think you’ll be encouraged that you are not alone in this struggle, and I’m excited for you to hear some good news. I’m excited for you to experience the lifting of some of that pressure you put on yourself. Come this weekend; you’ll be glad you did!

Rachel White