Game Changer Week 2 Devotional Day 5

Game Changer Week 2 Devotional Day 5

DAY 5 – Friday

Daily devotional


Mark 6:30-44; Matthew 6:9-13; John 6:32-59; Ephesians 6:18


Pray together the Lord’s Prayer. Slow down when you reach the line “Give us this day our daily bread”, and speak out the basic needs you have this week.


When I moved out on my own for the first time, my budget was tight! I had never managed a budget, or incoming and outgoing funds quite like that before. There were a few times when I needed some basic household items. In those times, my mom stopped by my apartment and left them for me. I was so grateful. I don’t know if I would have considered asking the Lord to provide for such a simple need then.

In this simple prayer, Jesus shows us to ask for our daily bread. From week to week, our needs differ. I may not need a household item. It may be that I need trust God heading into a meeting, or to surrender control to him in a situation. I may need strength to face a fear.

Jesus actually taught us to pray! That’s why I love the Lord’s Prayer. It has become more profound to me as my understanding of, and trust in, Jesus has grown. I have seen ways that he is my daily bread. In all things I can turn to him, not just the big things, but even those things that seem insignificant. He cares about it all, and can meet my daily needs, if I let him. Ephesians 6:18 says to …pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…

Take some time to quietly reflect before the Lord, and invite his Holy Spirit to reveal to you every need. Make a list of all of it – tangible and intangible. And offer it all to him. Invite God into the smallest details of your life this week.

Lord, help me overcome my unbelief that you can meet every daily need. Make me aware of my needs, and remind me to turn to you, to surrender. Help me trust you with all things, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.