Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 7

Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 7

DAY 6 & 7 – Saturday & Sunday

Daily devotional

Author’s note: take one day to do these exercises and let the other be a Sabbath for your soul—on that day reflect on all you have learned and how the truths of this lesson may “offend the righteous”. Spend some time journalling and re-reading the passage for the week: Mark 3:22-30.


Mark 3:22-30


Do you need specific prayer support in an area of spiritual darkness in your life? Our prayer ministry is always happy to pray with you after our church services, and hosts an extended time of prayer on the second Sunday each month at 10:00 am in the Prayer Chapel; look for “Healing Prayer” in your weekly worship guide.


Below is a list of situations that Jesus encountered through the first three books of Mark. The list is not exhaustive, merely representative. Add your own if you need to! Circle the ones that you identify with. Put a rectangle around the ones that you see affect people in your life:

  • Temptation
  • Unclean spirits (in our culture we may like this with mental illness)
  • Illness—simple, chronic
  • Distractions and busyness
  • Sin
  • Criticism
  • Questioning of Christ’s authority
  • Judgment about worship, Sabbath keeping
  • Accusations
  • Misunderstood
  • Family discord

What truths have you learned this week to help you through one or more of these situations? How can you press in to Jesus to let him have authority over your struggles? Do you need help from your brothers and sisters in Christ? Consider the prayer ministry, lay counseling or other resources to see you through.

Spend time journaling your thoughts and insights from the week.