Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 7

Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 7

DAY 7 – Sunday

Daily devotional


Mark 8:34-38; John 20:21; Matthew 9:37-38


Where can you partner with Christ in mission and service? Consider a mission or service opportunity that your LifeGroup might do together this season. Being “on mission” together provides both the opportunity to be together and grow closer in relationship, and to be sent out in a purposeful way to help others.


Two of the best books I have read on living life in authentic mission and service are Exiles[1] and Surprise the World: The Five Habits of Highly Missional People,[2] both by Australian writer and seminary professor Michael Frost. The common theme of both books is how God wants us to be on mission with him in every aspect of our lives. In Surprise the World, Frost talks about ways we can cultivate missional habits to intentionally bless people (and not just your fellow church members!), eat with people (outside of your usual circle of friends), listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit, learn more about Jesus Christ, and keep a journal of the ways you alerted others to the universal reign of God through Christ. Frost loves to frame intentional missional living as being slightly subversive and undercover, so that it won’t turn off those who aren’t committed Christians or church-goers.

You can also partner with Christ in mission and service more formally through the ministries of Chapel Hill. If you haven’t checked out lately, you might be surprised at the options that are available. In fact, under “Ways to Engage”, there are great opportunities you and your LifeGroup can serve together.

As Frost says, if you want to be a generous, hospitable, Spirit-led, Christlike disciple, then foster the habits of missional Christianity every day. May you find fulfillment in knowing God is using you and your gifts to share the love of Jesus with others—and maybe even set them free!

[1] Michael Frost, Exiles (Baker Books, 2006)

[2] Michael Frost, Surprise the World: The Five Habits of Highly Missional People (NavPress, 2015)