Easter Weekend Intro/LifeGroup Questions

Easter Weekend Intro/LifeGroup Questions

Easter Weekend

This guide pairs with Mark 16:1-8 and the sermon preached at Chapel Hill April 20-21.

Written by Serena Blair

Worship leader at Chapel Hill. Jesus is the King of my heart. I love being John’s wife, proud to get the title “Mama” to twin girls, and have been a hairdresser my entire adult life. I have a passion to live out my faith and not hoard it. I love God’s Word. It is the plumb bob, the vertical reference line written straight from the loving heart of Father God to our hearts and the depth of our souls. For fun: I love family, people, yummy coffee, vacation, fashion (yes!), and all things salty.

LifeGroup Guide


Compare and contrast the original ending of Mark’s gospel with the ending of the other Synoptics (Matthew and Luke). What is similar and what is different?

The women were told to go and tell the disciples and Peter that Jesus was going before them to Galilee, and that they would see him there. What is Jesus’ commission to all of his followers?


When you read this story, and picture yourself in the midst of it, how do you imagine you might feel, experiencing what the women experienced?

The women are described as “seeking Jesus” (v. 6). When you search your heart, how would you describe your desire for Jesus? Are you hungry, actively seeking, or more complacent? Look together at the description of the different churches in Revelation, and what Jesus’ words are to each.


The women’s response was to go and flee. They were trembling, astonished and fearful. As a result, they said nothing. What is your response today to the commission to “go and tell”?

We know the end of the story. The women must not have stayed quiet forever! How do you think they overcame their fear and chose to tell? What can you do to overcome your fears and do the same?