Easter Weekend Devotional Day 7

Easter Weekend Devotional Day 7

DAY 7 – Sunday

Daily devotional


So many things happened between the Last Supper and Jesus’ death. Take time to read these accounts: Matthew 26 27, Mark 14 and 15, Luke 22 and 23, John 17, 18, and 19. There is so much packed into these chapters that there are not enough days to write about them, but please read them! Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith and these passages are precious.


Will you worship or will you doubt?


The world was cloaked in unnatural, early and consuming darkness the day Jesus died. There was no reason for the sun to shine. “The Light of the world” was temporarily extinguished.

I wonder what happened in the disciples’ hearts that day? Did they sit together and talk about what he meant to them? It’s possible. They may have sat in complete silence, full of despair, fearful and confused. It had to be the darkest and most empty day.

“It is finished” was not the end. It was just the beginning, for greater things were yet to come! From Adam and Eve until the day Jesus rose from the grave, death held us ransom. But on the cross, sin and death were rendered powerless! Jesus’ resurrection changed everything for mankind. If we are in Christ we are now free, restored, redeemed, and reconciled back to God. We’ve been given the free gift of eternal life! Mankind would never be separated from their Holy God again! The Spirit of Jesus Christ ripped the wall (that separated us from God) in two and made a way for us to touch God!

On the morning of Jesus resurrection some of the disciples worshipped while others doubted. We have to make the same decision today. Will you worship, or will you doubt? Will you get on your face and worship or give in to your fear?

The power and authority that Easter heralds should compel us all to go and make disciples. Once you have been told, you must go and tell! God’s will for your life, and for my life, is to make disciples! The final truth of the resurrection story is that Jesus really is with you. He will be with you in all your tomorrows. We are sent out on the greatest task in all of history and are assured of the Greatest Presence that has ever lived on heaven or earth.