Sick of Religion? Week 3: Devotional Day 3

Sick of Religion? Week 3: Devotional Day 3

DAY 3 – Wednesday

Daily devotional


Mark 2:14-15; Isaiah 45:22


Yesterday we went over what we turned from to follow Jesus. Today, reflect on the question: How you have turned to Jesus? How is God using your personality, skills, and time as a part of his mission here on earth?


So how did it end up anyway? I left my career with a lot of faith and not a lot of direction but somehow felt at peace. I had a lot of quiet moments where I sensed God’s presence and continued on in Bible study (I was in a Precepts class during that time).

I remember getting a call from someone I didn’t know. She convinced me to come to her house and cut her hair. I couldn’t have known that phone call would launch me back into the world of hair and that it would become an area of ministry for me. You see, God was allowing my career outside of the church to be a part of his mission here on earth.

When I quit my career the year before, I would have said I will never be a hairdresser again because it had been an area of identity and pride for me. Once I was seeking Jesus with my whole heart and finding my identity in him, Jesus used that skill for his glory. I have done hair from the jungles of Ecuador to the tundra of Alaska on missions trips. I have prayed with and over countless clients in my chair, I have cut hair in the prison and given haircuts to children in need.

God has used me inside of the church as well. I was asked by Chapel Hill’s Beth Burgess years ago if I would help with children’s ministry. I started leading worship by singing without a mic and in front of kindergarteners at kids church. That led to being asked to lead worship in the modern service. I also led Women’s Life for a season. I have led many Bible studies inside and outside of the church, and currently lead a LifeGroup for young girls. I was a youth leader for one season. I got to be a part of missions week on the campus of Arizona State University with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). I am now committed to Alpha. God has allowed me to be a part of what he’s doing here in Gig Harbor, and I couldn’t be more grateful. He has used my personality and talents for his kingdom purposes.

I hope my story has encouraged you. Would you consider telling your story to someone this week? You are welcome to practice on me! I love peoples’ stories! When we take time to remember, our hearts turn towards God and the byproduct is thanksgiving.