Sick of Religion? Week 1: Devotional Day 4

Sick of Religion? Week 1: Devotional Day 4


Daily devotional


Mark 1:40-41


How can we mimic the “imploring” and “kneeling” of the leper in how we come to Jesus? Do a heart check on yourself. Is this your attitude about your own needs when you approach Jesus?


How do I approach God? Do I kneel before him at least at times in my prayer life? I became a Christian at 16 and had a love for His word. When I was in my 20’s I had an experience when I was praying on my knees and I spent time listening to God. It was not my usual habit to pray on my knees, but I felt impressed to pray that way at the time. As I was listening I had a distinct sense that God was giving me a specific verse to look up. The verse was Psalm 95:6, which I did not know at the time: “Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker.” Needless to say this was quite a confirmation that it is good to pray on my knees before God.

Often God will speak to us by his Word and with comfort, reassurance and direction when we pray and listen, particularly when we are humble before him. Have you had a sense of God speaking to you when you humbled yourself before him? It may help to share your experience with the group and to ask others to share some of their experiences.