Instagram Jesus Week 2: Devotional Day 6

Instagram Jesus Week 2: Devotional Day 6

DAY 6 – Saturday Daily devotional 


John 15:11; John 16:22b


Where are you battling for joy? Pray for a keen awareness of Christ’s presence with you, as a reminder to you of the truth that joy is always possible. Today, choose joy.


As I look back on my life at the seasons when I can say I experienced the fullness of joy, I realize it’s not dependent on circumstance or my own ability. It’s much more closely connected to my relationship with Christ, and an awareness of his presence with me. The truth is that joy is always possible and always available because he is always present.

Take a read of John 15. Joy in all its fullness is found by abiding in Christ’s love and keeping his commandments. As we continue in daily personal relationship with Christ we find joy like no other. This passage uses the image of the vine to help believers understand that fruit is born out of connection with God (John 15:5). Apart from Christ we cannot bear fruit, but when we abide in him and he is in us, we have his full joy. The image of bearing fruit was one used in the Old Testament as prophets looked forward to a future time of fulfilment. That time has arrived with Jesus, and as his followers bear fruit, they fulfil the vision of God’s people “blossoming and putting forth shoots, filling the whole world with fruit” (Isaiah 27:6). This means that when we bear the fruit of joy, we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves. The people of God have been anticipating and looking forward to this new reality for many, many years.

Look with me at John 16:22b. True joy cannot be taken away, even with death, because it comes with the presence of Christ. As it says in Psalm 16:11 “In your presence there is fullness of joy.” Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. It’s not dependent on us. It’s not dependent on circumstance. It’s dependent on Him. Hallelujah!