First Day of Ministry

First Day of Ministry

Tuesday, our first day of ministry, the medical team traveled to a remote area near the Thailand border that was used by the army as a medical camp, and area that has never been visited by any government agency, NGO or church.

This is what I saw:

  • Hundreds of villagers eager to receive medical attention.
  • Medical professionals with the compassion of God diligently ministering in the name of Christ.
  • Army ambulance personnel exited to participate with trained professionals.
  • The governor of the Provence – come to see witness the miracle.
  • A 3-yr. old boy jumping with excitement for his very own toothbrush.
  • 230 of God’s children who received medical care.
  • Tears in a doctor’s eye, overwhelmed by such great need.
  • A Chapel Hill Cambodian Go Team, on national TV news again.
  • God – pleased with his children doing his work.


Medical Team:

Safe Haven Children:

Part of our Medical Team: