We take you with us!

We take you with us!

Today we depart for India to work with one of our Church Projects; Catalyst (catalystindia.org).  During our time we will partner with them to support their work in pursuing long term sustainable solutions to alleviate poverty for the most at risk girls living in the slums. We will work at their residence house supporting the staff, encouraging the girls, and reflecting back to them who they are in Christ.  What a privilege it will be to show them the love of Jesus through our words and actions in a country where women and girls are marginalized through the caste system and society.  In addition, we will be learning more about international human trafficking, and will work with Catalyst to help set up their new recovery house that will be open to receive girls rescued from human trafficking.  This is a mighty task, and one that we cannot accomplish by our own strength.  We need the Lord to be in front and behind us.  We also need you to be in it with us as well.  Please join us in three ways.  1)  Pray for the girls that we meet that they would know more fully how high, deep, and wide the love the Lord has for each of them.  2)  Pray for our team that we would stay healthy and adjust to the new time zone so that we can be fully present to what the Lord will have for us to learn and do there.  3)  Keep our hearts both breaking and expanding as we experience hard places, but help us to see the beauty the Lord has in those hard places.  He is here and present in Gig Harbor, and He is equally there and present in India.  It is a beautiful thing!

Beth Burgess