John 2

John 2

What did I learn about Jesus?

  • Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding celebration without great fanfare.
  • We need to serve God humbly without expecting great recognition.

What did I learn about disciple-making?

  • Jesus showed others the importance of giving their best.
  • We must give our best in service to the Lord.


Extended thoughts and observations from Elder Steve Maxwell:

Kicking things off this morning- 

v.1-12   Jesus turns water into wine

It strikes me as interesting that John says in v.11 that this was the first of his signs, however his mother seemed to already know in v.3-5 that he was capable of doing miraculous things.

 I have always been impressed in two ways with this event.  First, the humility of Jesus – v.9 says the master did not know who made the wine.  So, while Jesus revealed his glory through his miraculous signs (v.11) he did not use them to seek glory or the praise of man.  I am amazed at the humility of Jesus.

Second, Jesus was about doing things with excellence (from the way he healed, the way he taught, the way he preached to the way he made the best wine for the wedding).  We serve a God who does all things well (Mark 7:37), this encourages me to do things with excellence as well – in order to bring Him glory.  

Mark 7:37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” 

This seems to tie in with one of our key verses – Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,”

Those are my thoughts – what are yours?