Mark 2

Mark 2

What did I learn about Jesus?

  • Jesus forgave the paralytic’s sins when he saw the faith of his friends.
  • We are called to come around our friends who are in tough circumstances and have faith to bring them to Jesus, both in our words and deeds to them, so that Jesus might heal them.

 What did I learn about disciple-making?

  • Jesus intentionally called Levi out of the crowd to follow him.
  • We must intentionally discern who God is calling us to invite to join us in this journey of following Jesus, and then go and invite them!


 Extended thoughts and observations from Pastor Mark:

 This is a VERY important chapter.

You sense the growing momentum of Jesus’impact. “No more room, not even at the door…”versus “gathered together at the door”in 1.33. The crowds love him. And now appear the Pharisees. Healing of paralytic is told in Matthew 9…but without these wonderful details. Four friends…carrying him…chopping through the roof! Isn’t this a model of the power of small groups that make their disciple-making ministry healing?

Also, for those who think Jesus never claims to be God, look closer. 5- “Your sins are forgiven.” Sins are against God. Only the offended can forgive an offense. And the Pharisees knew exactly what he was doing. That’s why they thought him a blasphemer! Important story to remember!

V 14: “Follow me!” Notice the intentionality of Jesus… Do we realize that WE are called to do the same thing? i.e., invite others to follow us as we follow Christ?  Paul got it. Look at I Cor 11.1!  That takes guts and intention. 

Verse 17 also important to remember. For those ones who say “I am a Christian because I try to be a good person,” this is EXACTLY opposite of those for whom Jesus came. He came for sinners. If you claim you are good, you disqualify yourself from his help. 

Love 27- Sabbath was made for man…same with other rules that were given, not just for us to obey, but because they are a way to better life. What other religious rules do we treat this way…rather than understanding and receiving them as a life-giving gift? 

Have a great day.