Luke 8

Luke 8

What did I learn about Jesus?

  • Jesus discipled many women of diverse backgrounds—formerly demon- possessed, wealthy, and even King Herod’s manager’s wife! (verses 1-3)
  • Jesus is God the Creator with power over nature. (verses 22-25)

 What did I learn about disciple-making?

  • Expect your faith to be tested when you’re following Jesus. (verses 22-25)
  • Sometimes lessons have to be taught repetitively and in different ways. Don’t give up! (verses 9-15)

Extended thoughts and observations from Pastor Mark:

 Good morning disciple-makers.

 Luke 8 seems to be a lot about “hearing.” Notice how many times the word or its equivalent appears. The parable of the sower offers different kind of hearers: those from whom the devil steals the word before they hear; those who heard but it never took root; those who heard and did well until the cares of the world choked their faith; and those who heard, took root and bore fruit. This whole emphasis on discipleship is at its core a call to be the fruit-bearing hearers of the word. 

 Then, the rest of the chapter gives examples of different kinds of hearers:

  • 21-Jesus’ family is defined as those who hear the word;
  • 22-25- the storm hears the word of its creator and the disciples are afraid and amazed;
  • the demons hear the word of the Lord all of all and leave Legion;
  • the townspeople are so afraid that they ask him to leave! 
  • The dead girl hears the voice of the Lord and her Spirit returns to her.

 In this season of Lent, consider setting aside part of today (or one day this week) for prayer and fasting, maybe one meal that you skip in order to spend that time praying. Let’s make sure that part of our prayer is LISTENING for Jesus speaking into our lives. What is he saying to you?

 Your thoughts?