Looking Godly vs Being Godly

Looking Godly vs Being Godly

I’m blessed! I guess there are a lot of reasons why I feel that way but I guess the reason I’m thinking of now is because of you. You are rare as far as congregations go. You want your REAL lives to be different. If given the choice between looking Godly and BEING Godly you would opt for the being. We talk about this stuff and face it head on not because we are masochistic but because we want to actually live lives that reflect God. We want to really live the abundant life that Jesus promises those who follow him and we are willing to be honest with ourselves, with God and others in order to get there. God loves that.

This Sunday will be that kind of day. It will be a chance to welcome one of the most renowned authors of our generation to Chapel Hill. Josh McDowell, author of 140 books that have been used to bring thousands to Christ will be in our pulpit. He will not, however be focusing on apologetics. He will be sharing his testimony – the story of the pain and trauma that caused him to wonder if there was a God in the first place.  Have you ever had pain or loss in your own life that caused you to wonder if God was really there? This is the struggle that all of us must face at some point and Josh does it with honesty, and vulnerability. He is one of us, not just a scholarly and Godly brain but a heart to match – a heart that knows our pain must be healed by the great Healer in order to thrive in the way God designed us to!

Please join us Sunday night at 6:30 as Josh and a team of community professionals share about the dangers and solutions of the pornography epidemic that is spreading across our land. This will not just be Chicken Little crying “the sky is falling” but a time for bringing hope for our precious children, our families. It will point to a way to reject porn as “normal”, a victimless crime and see why pursuing pure desire in Christ is the life giving choice for all of us.

I think you will be blessed in a powerful way by an entire day of Josh on Sunday. We will take another step towards real wholeness in Christ and will bless our community at the same time. And we will drag another enemy of our souls (pornography) kicking and screaming into the light – God loves that stuff!            

Lance Brown
Minister of Renewal