Summer Reading

Summer Reading

Frog and Amy Orr-Ewing, friends from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, have been encouraging conversation about the adventurous life of the Christian and the questions of those seeking God. I know many of you have picked up the books they have written about these same things as you dig deeper to make God known yourself!

We thought it would be fun to share with you a couple of the other books that have been inspiring at least the two pastors Hackmen! Leave in the comments what you’ve been reading this summer!

  1. Life Together – Pastor Mark has been mentoring us and encouraging conversation about life in community. We walked through this classic book weekly in June, challenged by Bonhoeffer’s call to communal worship and vulnerability as well as to solitude. This led us to sing hymns when we gather and reflect on Psalms.
  2. The Relational Way – The LifeGroup Council, a group of folks who support LifeGroups, have been reading this one together. We are being challenged to consider how to live concentric lives where our faith, work, and family overlap rather than living spoked lives in which we feel like pastor+runner+neighbor+wife+gardener+etc. What will the impact be for LifeGroups? These are the conversations we are having.
  3. Kingdom Come: The Amillenial Alternative – This one was on Larry’s shelf for less than a week. He devoured this deep, biblical, theological treatise in preparation for teaching Revelation this fall. (The class will be called Bible Bites, offered between services. More on that as we approach the fall!) 
  4.  Introducing Covenant Theology  – This one is on the top of Kevin, Ellis, Larry and my bookshelves because we are going to start conversation about this next week as we delve into our reformed heritage.
  5.  In Defense of Food – Lest you think we are always talking about theology proper, sometimes we also pick up a fun book and then process it through our theology, that God is our creator. So this one is on the top of my stack, fresh off the library shelves.

Pastor Megan

P.S. However you’re exercising your mind and your theology, I’ll hope you’ll join us for one last session with Amy and Frog this Sunday morning and Monday night. Let’s keep thinking about how we are going to take the Good News of Jesus into the world with boldness and confidence— and then actually go do it!!!