Thank you for your interest in employment opportunities at Chapel Hill! 

All employees must understand that they are a part of a Christian church and that their employment is a God-ordained vocation. In this regard, employees must fully support and live consistently and in accordance with our Statement of Faith and Christian standards of living as outlined in our employee handbook. In consideration of this, please review Chapel Hill’s DNA and EPC’s The Essentials of Our Faith prior to submitting your application. Passing a criminal background check prior to start of employment is also required.

To apply for an open position, please send a completed employment application (WORD or PDF), along with a cover letter and resume to the contact person listed for each opening.


Assistant Pastor of Student Ministries – This person leads the Student Ministries team as it prepares and mobilizes middle and high school students to live a life on mission for Christ. Read details about this position and apply HERE.

Moppets Coordinator – Provide coordination and leadership in our midweek Moppets ministry. Read details about this position HERE. Contact Kim Hagey, Early Childhood Director.

Nursery Caregiver – Provide a warm and inviting, Christian environment for infants and children while their parents are attending worship or other activities. Read details about this position HERE. Contact: Kim Hagey, Early Childhood Director.